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Арендното плащане за стопанската 2011/ 2012г. PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 05 December 2012 19:30
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Фирма ЕТ"Ренесанс- КПДТ- Кирил Жендов" информира своите арендодатели, че на 06 декември е наредила изплащаният на Арендното плащане за стопанската 2011/2012г. в Райфайзен банк и с платежни нареждания до други банки. За контакти телефон 0899/ 862 918 - Татяна Жендова.

Арендното плащане за стопанската 2010/ 2011г. PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 12 December 2011 15:53
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Фирма ЕТ"Ренесанс- КПДТ- Кирил Жендов" информира своите арендодатели, че на 12 декември е наредила изплащаният на Арендното плащане за стопанската 2010/2011г. в Райфайзен банк и с платежни нареждания до други банки. За контакти телефон 0899/ 862 918 - Татяна Жендова.

Rental payment for 2010/2011g. PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 02 December 2011 19:42

Company "Renеsans-KPDT-Kiril Zhendov inform its lessors that Rental payment for 2010/2011g. will begin after 12 December 2011. and asked all who have changes in your personal data and bank accounts to inform us promptly to e-mail address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone 0899 / 862 918 - Tatiana Zhendova.

Rental payment for 2009/2010g. :: 17.11.2010 PDF Print E-mail

Company "Renеsans-KPDT-Kiril Zhendov inform its lessors that Rental payment for 2009/2010g. will begin after 15 December 2010. and asked all who have changes in your personal data and bank accounts to inform us promptly to e-mail address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone 0899 / 862 918 - Tatiana Zhendova.

Forecast-Rape is the most profitable crop in the country! :: 07.06.2010 PDF Print E-mail

On 26 May, days before the harvest team to the representation of German company in Bulgaria, company Rapul Bulgaria, together with specialists from the German side, the traditional traveling seminar organized by Ludogorie Dobrudja in the Black Sea. Nearly 200 producers from the country traveled hundreds of miles to "tune you in this modern and had already trend in grain production. The third stop was in Mr. Cyril Zhendov, owner of ET-KPDT Renaissance: "In ten years, grow rapeseed, missed only 2001. When drought was severe. The fields lie 7400dka. Mainly focus on 4 hybrid" Rapul "and" pioneer. "Plants are healthy and strong, but fungicide played a role. For me important is the third submission of preparation against the disease. mainly used Karamba and Fulikur.'re still Treatment with insecticides against pests, with foliar fertilizers. And such a strong rape except that it gives high yield, is reaping always easier!

BRC Awards winners :: 12.05.2010 PDF Print E-mail

With much pride in what has been done in the past year met its holiday members of the BRC - Dobrich. With much pride in what has been done in the past year met its holiday members of the BRC - Dobrich. President of the Regional Council Lubomir Sivkov personally handed certificates and badges of the nine winners of the national leadership of the charitable organization chervenokrasttsi in the field. President of the Regional Council Lubomir Sivkov personally handed certificates and badges of the nine winners of the national leadership of the charitable organization chervenokrasttsi in the field.

This year, recognition for his work received Dr. Georgieva, Tatyana Zhendov, Valentina Nail, Stefka Kostadinova, Ivelina Petrova, Nikola Stoykov Nuri Akif, Traiana Ivanova and Pavel Slavov. This year, recognition for his work received Dr. Georgieva, Tatyana Zhendov, Valentina Nail, Stefka Kostadinova, Ivelina Petrova, Nikola Stoykov Nuri Akif, Traiana Ivanova and Pavel Slavov. To all Dr. Erinozov briefly presented the activities of Dobrich structure. To all Dr. Erinozov briefly presented the activities of Dobrich struktura.Prez past year volunteers at Red Cross in the field numbered 440 people, as members of the organization's 4855 people, which is 2.38% compared to the population of Dobrich, statistics show. Last year volunteers at Red Cross in the area numbered 440 people, members of the organization are 4855 people, which is 2.38% compared to the population of Dobrich, statistics show. Over the Hill 6. Over 6 thousand disadvantaged were assisted in the field of food aid factored chervenokrasttsite. people with disabilities have been assisted in the field of food aid factored chervenokrasttsite. 166 courses are conducted by the BRC, as people have received training in 2606, 106 of which students reported more Dr. Erinozov. 166 courses are conducted by the BRC, and training have been 2606 people, 106 of which students reported more Dr. Erinozov. Growth marks and blood donation - in 2009 marked a growth donation - in 2009 people have donated blood, 3764, 20.5 percent which is more than 2008 blood are donated 3,764 people, which is 20.5 percent more than in 2008

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