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Ренесанс - КПТД News Renaissance KPDT - Kiril Zhendov, possess certificate of TUV Rheinland Bulgaria :: 21.12.2005
Renaissance KPDT - Kiril Zhendov, possess certificate of TUV Rheinland Bulgaria :: 21.12.2005 PDF Print E-mail

"Renaissance KPDT - Kiril Zhendov" received a certificate of TUV Rheinland Bulgaria EOOD

On 23rd of November 2005, based on signed contract No. 0107-B-HACCP of 2005 between "Renaissance KPDT - Kiril Zhendov" ET of village of Krushari, Dobrich region and TUV Rheinland Bulgaria EOOD - certifying centre to the TUV Industry Service of certifying organisation Rheinland group - Koeln, and in pursuance of public procedure for certification, a successful certification audit has been accomplished for HACCP - management system for safety in developing and adopting, production and trade with cereals, oil-bearing and industrial crops, incl. seed production.
The certification procedure has been implemented in accordance with the requirements of DS 3027:2002, with authorization of DANAK. Certificate No. 00 180 223/2005 of Cologne, Germany.


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